"Arabic Content"

15 results found


What’s the Story with Content Marketing?

We all use stories in our everyday lives – to relate experiences, tell jokes, or teach others – so it makes sense that storytelling would be an essential part of doing business, too.



3 Case Studies of Successful Content Marketing in Ramadan

Ramadan campaigns have always been something we love to work on, and here are three such campaigns that have proved successful for us!



5 Marketing Trends for the MENA Region in 2017

Trends are the new key events that a business or brand must harness in order to thrive in the new digital world. The secret in in knowing how to spearhead them by knowing where to find them, how to adopt them and how to maximize their potential.



Visibility of Awareness Campaigns and Accessibility of the Message.

An awareness campaign is only as strong as it is visible, and its intended audience can only benefit from the message so long as it is accessible, simple, relevant and repeatable. Our latest campaign promotes best practice advice for safely unpacking groceries and we chose the ultimate shopping partner to carry the message: the shopping bag.

Storytelling - MOE Achievements2



We produced a 3-minute film that told the story of the MOE’s journey. The purpose shot footage was super-imposed with elegant and relevant motion graphics that did not distort the picture nor take the attention away from it.

Awareness Campaigns - Capital Market Authority


Awareness Campaigns

Saba’s social media campaign for CMA to raise public awareness of investment rules, regulations & laws using motion graphic videos was a success.

Awareness Campaign - Dubai Municipality


Awareness Campaign

Saba created a series of 15s motiongraphic videos for Dubai Municipality for TV ads and Instagram for a Ramadan Campaign, raising awareness about healthy living


Awareness Campaign

The Ramadan campaign Saba created for Almarai using motion graphic videos to promote healthy lifestyle was a viral success on social media.


Awareness Campaigns

Saba created English and Arabic motion graphic videos for Du mobile, to strategically raise awareness about the new app and promote customer loyalty.

Corporate Identity - Ithra Dubai


Corporate Identity

Saba had the honour of working with Ithra Dubai on their journey to define a corporate branding strategy that reflects their missions, visions and values.

Strategic communications - STC Products & Services copy


Strategic communications

Saba created a comprehensive, omnichannel communication strategy to deliver STC’s customer-centric message and values to internal and external stakeholders.



Almarai Wellness Campaign

A wealth of useful and heartening information to sustain you and support you throughout Ramadan.

Cyba Audi


The Tale Behind Our Name

Pronounced as “saba” in Arabic, it refers to the gentle dawn wind that arises from the East, just like the storytellers it represents.



The Thread of the Levant

Story telling has been a common feature of Levantine society since time immemorial, and what’s more, these Hakawatis around still very much around.