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اكتشف عناصر نجاح التقرير السنوي للشركات مع صبا للاستشارات الحائزة على جوائز عالمية في هذا المجال

كتابة المحتوى على لينكدإن للمدراء التنفيذيين
أهمية كتابة المحتوى على لينكدإن للمدراء التنفيذيين أظهرت الدراسات بأن 61 مليون مستخدم من أصل 500 مليون على لينكدإن هم مدراء تنفيذيون! وتحولت لينكدإن من منصة بحث عن عمل إلى منصة مهمة يتم فيها تبادل الخبرات، ونشر الأفكار الهامة في مجالات متعددة. فما هي كتابة المحتوى على لينكدإن؟ ما هي مزايا نشر المحتوى على لينكدإن […]

Create More With Linkedin
Imagine a social platform where everyone puts their best foot forward, with virtually no misinformation, and where you choose what type of content you see; where your brand can build a following of people who are motivated to learn, looking for meaningful conversations and connections, and are ready to get down to business. This is […]

التسويق الوارد؟ هذه هي أهم 5 مواقع لاحترافه
جمعنا لكم اليوم أهم المواقع الإلكترونية التي يمكنها مساعدتكم في تعلم مبادئ التسويق الوارد Inbound Marketing، ولكل من هذه المواقع مزاياها وحكاياتها التي ستضيف لك خبرة جديدة ومعلومة جديدة كل يوم. إقرأ أيضاً: استراتيجية التسويق الوارد: ماهي؟ فوائدها، أدواتها وعيوبها أهم مواقع التسويق الوارد مواقع عالمية تعلمك كل أسرار التسويق الوارد سواءً كنت مبتدئاً في […]

Top 10 Marketing Trends of 2021
From NFTs and decentralized finance to virtual concerts inside video games and computer-generated fashion, 2021 has been a time of continued digital transformation across industries as the world adapts to our new reality. Because of the rise in digitization and the lingering psychological effects of isolation, we continue to crave connection to people, brands, and […]

أسرار نجاح استراتيجية المحتوى الرقمي
إذا كنت مهتم بالترويج لمنتجك أو خدماتك بأفضل الطرق، فأنت بلا شك بحاجة إلى استراتيجية المحتوى الرقمي لوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي المناسبة للمحتوى لديك. سنحرص في هذه المدونة على تعريفك باستراتيجية المحتوى، إضافةً إلى تحديد الخطوات العملية لبناء استراتيجية المحتوى الرقمي، والأهم سنقدم بعض مفاتيح نجاح الاستراتيجية بناء على خبرتنا الواسعة في هذا المجال. ما هي […]

نصائح مهمة لتطبيق الهاشتاغ في منصات التواصل الاجتماعي
ما هي أهمية الوسم أو الهاشتاغ؟ كم هاشتاغ يجب أن نضع في المنشور؟ هل عدد وصَفات هاشتاغ الانستغرام تتطابق مع هاشتاغ الفيس بوك؟ تساؤلات كثيرة تراود كل شخص عامل في مجال التسويق بالمحتوى. ونحن هنا لنجيبكم عن تساؤلاتكم، ونقدم أهم النصائح للحصول على أقصى فائدة من تطبيق الهاشتاغ. وسنتحدث بالتفصيل عن القواعد الخاصة بتطبيقه بكل […]

طرق تخفيف استخدام البلاستيك ذي الاستخدام لمرة واحدة
كما عودتنا دبي أن تكون سباقة في قراراتها، تتخذ الآن خطوات جديدة في التخفيف من استهلاك أكياس البلاستيك ذات الاستهلاك الواحد ابتداء من 1 يونيو 2022، عبر فرض غرامة على استخدامها، وبالطبع كلنا كأفراد وشركات مسؤولون عن الحفاظ على البيئة، واليوم في هذه المدونة سوف نطرح طرق عملية للتخفيف من البلاستيك، كما سوف نتطرق إلى […]

The Rise of Digital Transformation
What is Digital Transformation? When you hear ‘digital transformation’, what pops into your mind? Maybe glowing green binary codes that rain down from the night sky and transform people into avatars? Maybe the interconnected back end of a complex computer network? Although ‘digital’ is the vehicle, ‘digital transformation’ is much more human than you would […]

في عيد الحب: 9 نصائح عن حب الذات
ساعات عمل يومية، واجبات اجتماعية، ارتباطات عائلية، وسائل تواصل اجتماعي، الأعمال المنزلية! أين أجد وقتاً إلى “حب الذات“؟ في هذا المقال سوف نقترح عليكم نصائح بسيطة وسهلة تسمح لكم بزيادة تقديركم لأنفسكم وزيادة حب الذات خلال كل دقيقة تمر عليكم في اليوم وسوف تجعلكم تحتفلون بأنفسكم كل يوم وسيصبح عيد الحب مناسبة يومية تمر عليكم […]

Visual Trends of 2022
Design is evolving faster than ever before Just like fashion, graphic design trends come and go. (Even Jennifer Aniston’s famous Bob cut had an expiry date!) Hanging onto passé design trends can age your brand and make it seem less relevant and less credible, especially to the younger generation (who are more inclined to keep […]

النشرة الإلكترونية: فوائدها، عناصرها، أسس نجاحها؟
اغتنم هذه الأداة الرائعة لإيصال رسالتك وخدماتك ومنتجاتك لكل شخص تهتم لأمره وهو أيضاً يهمه أمرك، كل ما تحتاجه هو نشرة الكترونية منتظمة ومصمّمة بإتقان تكون صلة الوصل بينك وبين عملائك

Social Commerce
The trillion-dollar industry your business could be missing out on You’re scrolling through Instagram and a handbag catches your eye. You flip through the carousel, browsing similar models by different designers. One handbag speaks to you, and you spend just a few seconds debating whether to buy it. You end up putting it in the […]

ميتافيرس: ما هو؟ وهل يمكن توظيفه في التسويق الالكتروني؟
سمعنا في الآونة الأخيرة الكثير عن مصطلح ميتافيرس أو العالم الافتراضي، فما هو؟ وما هي فوائد الميتافيرس في التسويق الالكتروني؟ وما هو موعد انطلاق ميتافيرس الحقيقي؟ هل يوجد أمثلة توضيحية عن الميتافيرس على أرض الواقع؟ جميع هذه التساؤلات تجدون إجاباتها في السطور التالية. ما هو الميتافيرس أو العالم الافتراضي؟ يستخدم هذا المصطلح لوصف عالم افتراضي […]

Why Brand Experiences are More Important Than Ever
Every day we’re overloaded with in-your-face advertising, nonstop social chatter, targeted marketing, and unsolicited advice. What we all crave, is connection. This has become increasingly important, especially following the period of isolation many of us faced during the pandemic. Even pre-pandemic, people opted for experiences over material items, particularly among Millennials and Gen Zers.Today’s consumers […]

مايا حجيج تستضيف صبا عودة في بودكاست “قهوة وخبرية”
“لأنو هيدا هو النقص.. بدك تعملي شي جديد.. بدك يكون في قيمة للشي اللي عم تعملي… برنامج صباحي بيتوجه لأصحاب الأعمال (رجالاً ونساءً) بيعطيهم فكرة عن كل شي عم يصير بالدنيي وبتساعدن ياخدوا القرار الصح…” ” كل ما بقول الناس بيستغربو بس الحقيقة إنو أنا إنسانة منغلقة على حالي شوي ، افترضي كان في عشاء […]

أهم 10 مفاتيح للظهور في الصفحات الأولى في محركات البحث
يتطلب الظهور في الصفحة الأولى على غوغل خبرة في مجال الإعلام الرقمي والسيو والتسويق بالمحتوى، وبشكل عام يوجد دوماً خطوط عريضة يمكن البناء عليها للوصول إلى الصفحة الأولى في محركات البحث، نعمل عليها مع كل عملائنا لتطوير مواقعهم وجعلها في الصدارة. ماذا يعني وجود محتواك في الصفحة الأولى في غوغل يعتبر ترتيب محتواك في غوغل […]

أسس استخدام استراتيجيات التسويق الوارد
يعتمد نجاح inbound marketing بالعربي التسويق الوارد على خطة تسويقية واضحة يتم العمل عليها، ولذا فقد وضع فريق HubSpot، مؤسسي التسويق الوارد 3 استراتيجيات للتسويق الوارد بناءً على مراحل دورة حياة المشتري ومختلف مراحل نمو الشركات، سوف نتطرق لها اليوم، كما سوف نطرح حالة عملية عن تطبيق هذه الاستراتيجية، عمل عليها مع موقع الكتروني لشركة عالمية.

How social media has shifted luxury branding
This week, we went to Dubai Watch Week where we spoke to luxury branding experts about the rise of social media how it transformed the way they connect with their customers.

Blog: TikTok vs Snapchat for business
In the GCC, Gen Z and Millennials are highly influential, they have higher purchasing power than other regions, and they’re the ones who affect change. And guess where they’re spending most of their free time?

استراتيجية التسويق الوارد: ماهي؟ فوائدها، أدواتها وعيوبها
في خضم المنافسة الشديدة واللوغاريتمات المتغيرة باستمرار يبحث العملاء عن منهجية تسويق شاملة ومضمونة النتائج على المدى الطويل، ولأننا نبحث دوماً عن أفضل وأحدث طرق التسويق، فلم نجد أفضل من inbound marketing بالعربي التسويق الوارد، لكي نتخذه استراتيجية هامة للتسويق لعملائنا في مؤسسة صبا للاستشارات.

استثمري في صحتك قبل فوات الأوان للوقاية من سرطان الثدي
دعينا نروي لك قصة نجاتك من سرطان الثدي قبل أن تصابي به! تتمنى كل امرأة أن لا تمر بتجربة سرطان الثدي المؤلمة، ولكن للأسف للحقائق رأيٌ آخر، حوالي 1 من كل 8 نساء في الولايات المتحدة معرضة للإصابة بسرطان الثدي على مدار حياتها. ولا يقف هذا الأمر عند النساء، إذ تبلغ احتمالية إصابة الرجل بسرطان […]

Four Leadership Traits to Design the Future
The shift to digital, well underway before the pandemic but accelerated throughout, was balanced by redirecting the spotlight from tangible to soft skills.

Six Marketing Trends to Power Through 2021
Last year’s challenges pushed brands to adapt to a new normal and innovate in order to capture consumers’ attention. As we emerge from 2020 and with the year ahead hinting at comparable uncertainties, we can look at the past twelve months to anticipate certain marketing trends that will shape the industry for years to come.

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Organically
If you want your content to show in front of your audience and rank high on search pages, optimizing your video content for YouTube search is an obvious must. Here’s how you can get it right and how you can grow your YouTube channel organically.

Customers Are People First
Your purchasing customers are sophisticated and selective, ultra-discerning and autonomous. They are past intrusive “go big or go home” advertising and excessive information. If you want to grab their attention, you need to be sensitive to their needs and you need to speak a language they understand; speak with empathy.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another,” Charles Dickens. With Lebanon teetering on the edge of a humanitarian crisis, the only constant we can count on is our humanity. We are launching a campaign titled “Giving” in a nod to the NGOs working tirelessly to provide a social safety net to the most vulnerable in Lebanon, on a non-sectarian and non-partisan basis. Follow us on our week-long journey on giving, because every little helps.

Visibility of Awareness Campaigns and Accessibility of the Message.
An awareness campaign is only as strong as it is visible, and its intended audience can only benefit from the message so long as it is accessible, simple, relevant and repeatable. Our latest campaign promotes best practice advice for safely unpacking groceries and we chose the ultimate shopping partner to carry the message: the shopping bag.

Taking Care of your Team During WFH
During this time of unprecedented stress, drop workflows and processes for a minute and focus on communicating with your employees. Check in on their emotional and physical wellbeing, maintain social connection, be present and available. Working from home during lockdown is a teaching moment, read our blog for our key takeaways.

Productivity challenges from working from home during this age of COVID-19
In normal times, working from home amounts to one extra day of output as it relates to productivity, making it the preferred option for some employers and employees. However, working from home today is influenced by a legion of factors that curb efficiency, factors that employers should be aware of while calculating employee productivity.

Death of the PR
The press release is the original disruptor, but all good things must come to an end. Is the medium still relevant today? Has it morphed? Or did it completely flatline?

Mastering Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
If you are attempting to gain traffic using SEO and are not achieving your targeted website traffic, you have either not come up with the right customer search queries that fuel traffic to your site, or your SEO is not properly set up.

How We Are Successfully Adapting to Working-from-Home
Some of us at Saba Consultants are flextime members and we feel well-positioned to offer first-hand tips and advice to help others successfully adapt to the new work-from-home model.

Webcast on a Desert Island?
Webcast put in simple words is live broadcasting on the Web. What is it that you need to show the world – a hot topic media presentation, an exclusive interview, a live event, an announcement, or a product launch? Webcasting is the way to go.

Corona vs Corporations
As the number of coronavirus cases climbs worldwide, businesses are feeling tested in their continuity, and finding challenges in maintaining their existing operations uninterrupted.

2019: It’s a Wrap!
Overall, 2019 has been a win-win for us. We are very grateful for everything that came our way, and to all those who helped us win.

11 Design Trends That Will Boost Your Brand
If you’re looking to refresh or revamp the look of your feed or website and garner the attention your brand deserves, then these top design tips are definitely for you.

It’ll take more than just Wishin’ and Hopin’ (Ask Dusty!)
If you want to secure the lead of your dreams and keep them close forever more, it’s going to take more than Thinkin’ and Prayin’!

10 Things Chinese Do for Chinese New Year
To mark Chinese New Year 2019, we’re going to explore some of the most popular traditions associated with this huge celebration.

Content Marketing Trends You Don’t Want to Miss in 2019!
To stand out from the competition in 2019, these are the marketing trends which you need to know and work into your strategy!

5 mistakes with content marketing and how you can avoid them!
“Strategy? What strategy?”: Here are the most persistent mistakes being made in content marketing and practical tips to avoid them

A Beginner’s Guide to Native Advertising
Step by step guide to native advertising and how to make it work for your business

Will Chinese Film Week Bring More Good Stories?
As the UAE continues to extend lines to encourage the exchange of goods and services with China, a Chinese film festival comes to town. Reversely, a huge opportunity exists for GCC and Chinese companies to reach audiences by producing content in Mandarin.


What the latest features on Instagram mean for your business
A new month and new tools for marketers to go with the new trends in social media! With all that is going on, us marketers certainly have our work cut out for us. Here is our rundown of what’s trending and how you can make these new tools work for your business.

IGTV Under the Microscope
Instagram’s newest feature is already proving to be a hit, opening up a host of new opportunities to be creative with videos.

Influencer Marketing: Busting the Myths
When it comes to influencer marketing and its effectiveness at generating leads and driving sales, do you know the fact from the fiction?

Google and the Knowledge Graph: A Guide to Ranking Highly in 2018
What does it take to be one step ahead of Google’s algorithm? Find out how you can maintain your place at the top of the results page!

What is Customer Profiling – How it can help your business
Profiling your ideal customer is a the best marketing strategy you can produce. Social data, demographics and personas will lead the way to new potential customers!

Why you should start a blog right now
Check out 5 important reasons why you should start a blog right now!

Do not miss these summer content ideas!
Find out how best to approach summer content and gain as much impetus as possible from this dynamic seasonal phenomenon

What is content scoring?
Content scoring is an excellent tool for maximising the effectiveness of your content. Check out these 5 points to see how you can optimize conversion opportunities through the strategic placement.

How social media is dictating our content as a publishing house
New trends in social media are affecting the way marketers approach their work. See a list of what’s trending and how to approach this band of newcomer platforms.

How engaging customers with effective content can help your business
When it comes to brand reputation, effective market placement, lead generation and eventually, sales volume, effective content is the jewel in the crown of any successful marketing strategy!

Social Media – Is It Here To Stay?
Has social media run out of steam or is it still a useful tool in promoting a brand’s online presence?

Will your video self-destruct in 5 seconds or will it go viral?
Unsure about how to create videos your audience wants to watch? We’ve got 12 winning suggestions on how to ensure your videos capture their attention and go viral!

How personal should your marketing be?
Personalisation can be a powerful tool in a brand’s marketing strategy but there are pitfalls to watch out for!

5 Marketing Tips for Newly-Arrived Chinese Corporations in the UAE
Here are some great tips from Saba for companies starting out on their marketing journey

Unrequited love: How can I get the client to notice me?
Saba suggests trying some strategic inbound marketing to help the reader get luckier in love this Valentine’s Day

Keeping Up With Fresh Content
Your website and its content is the gateway to effective lead attraction and conversion. Don’t ignore the importance of keeping content fresh and up-dated or your audience will soon lose interest.

In 2018, Do Not Miss Out Again (like you did in 2017!)
In 2017, we explored how to grab the attention of your audience. But what does 2018 have in store for us? What direction is content heading to?

Can Storytelling Boost Sales?
Applying the theory of storytelling to a marketing context may seem like trying to harness the impalpable. We know it increases website visits but how do you go about creating a story that will increase a company’s sales?

What Your 2018 Inbound Marketing Budget Should Include
It’s time to plan your inbound marketing budget for next year. Read on to get the best budgeting tips for 2018!

How Often Should I Post on Social Media?
You’ve been wondering how many times should you post on social media to increase your audience engagement – wonder no more. Read on to get the best posting tips for every social media platform!

What if They Ignore My Email?
Email as a marketing tool is a serious business and must be optimized if you don’t want your emails to remain unopened. We have a few tips to help you turn an email campaign around and boost your Open Rate.

How To Write Effectively For Your Business?
Corporate storytelling is an essential tool if you want to stand out in a world overflowing with voices clamouring to be heard. But just getting your story out there isn’t enough. It needs to be told well. Here we give you hands-on tips to write engaging content for your business.

15 Easy Moves to Make Your Website Stand Out
If you need your website to stand out and pull in more visitors, apply the following 15 easy moves and see what a difference it makes to your traffic!

What’s the Story with Content Marketing?
We all use stories in our everyday lives – to relate experiences, tell jokes, or teach others – so it makes sense that storytelling would be an essential part of doing business, too.

How Can Marketing Automation Increase Your ROI?
The ever-shifting nature of modern communications means that businesses simply have to stay ahead of the game to the best of their ability. Automated marketing software, when used to its full potential, is a company’s most efficient way to see an

The Best Automated Marketing Tools
Getting your product out into the market is not always an easy proposition. Automated Marketing software is how it’s done these days. Take a look at how you can save time and maximize your efforts to find and convert new potential clients, keep existing customers happy and grow your business.

How To Maximise Reader’s Session Time on Your Website Pages
“Studies show that on average a reader leaves a website within 20 seconds.” So how does one capture a reader’s attention long enough for them to convert into prospects?

Manufacturers’ Guide to Social Media
Every business, regardless of industry, needs to reach out to its customer base and potential customer network with relevant and engaging content. The purpose of this content is to attract customers to the brand and enable the company to build a relationship with current and future clients. If you provide your customers with content they […]

Why Does Manufacturing Have Such a Bad Reputation?
Public perception of an industry is reflected in the story it tells about itself. Simply having a presence on the web isn’t enough to alter the awareness of what who you are and what you do.

Insta-Do’s and Insta-Don’ts!
Learn the right way to maximize the positive effects of Instagram on your brand.

A Dummy’s Guide to Writing Marketing Email
Personalised communications remain at the heart of all good business relationships. Learn how to approach Marketing Emails in order to make the most of their impact.

Trends drive waves of consumer purchasing decisions and are very useful tool in predicting the direction of new inventions, styles and opinion. Learn how to encompass them in your marketing strategy.

The Early Bird Gets the Worm
Occasion –based marketing offers an opportunity to link your brand with major public occasions. Start by identifying the moments when prospective buyers are more receptive to your marketing campaign.

In Brands We Trust
With the war between real news and fake news rampaging on and on, consumers are looking for transparency and trust. Be sure to be the one to grant them that.

What Is Authentic Content?
How do you keep your audience and get new customers in the process? You need good quality authentic content.

5 Reasons Why You Need To Tell Riveting Corporate Stories
Follow our tips on why you should be putting out great content that will work for you, and get you the love you deserve!

3 Case Studies of Successful Content Marketing in Ramadan
Ramadan campaigns have always been something we love to work on, and here are three such campaigns that have proved successful for us!

The 5 E’s-y Steps That Will Make Audiences Share What You Post
Creating great shareable content can be quite challenging. But do not despair! Here, we share with you 5 E’s-y steps to creating great content that your customers will want to share!

The Renaissance of Interactive Content
Rope in your audiences through inviting them to be active participants to your content! Learn more through our handy infographic.

What you should know about SEO today
Why isn’t your SEO ever where you want it to be? It’s no longer just about words – it’s about the quality of your content as well, along with other things.

Chatbots 101
Would you like to have your very own AI, akin to Jarvis from Iron Man? Read this article to see if it could be a possibility!

The Unparalleled Power of Facebook Videos
Facebook remains the world’s largest social media platform thanks to constant innovation – and their revolutionary way of sharing videos.

Is Content Marketing the Only Marketing Left?
It might not be the only marketing left but it is the only one worth doing at the moment and for the foreseeable future.

Video is Still the King!
Are you still hesitating to indulge in video marketing? After all, it can be quite a dent in the wallet. However, social media has made things easier on everyone.

The Bucket List Family – Inbound Marketing In The Most Natural Form
From University dropout to multi-millionaire and now full-time traveler; this is the story of Garrett Gee and his “Bucket List Family”.

The 2.8-billion opportunity
No, not dollars – we’re talking about the number of active social media users worldwide.

Dive Into Your Audience
It’s not enough to know your business inside out – you need to know your audience too. Find out why and how!

Latest in Tech: Virtual Reality And How Savvy Marketers Can Use It
Marketers keep updating their techniques with the advent of new technology – so why not Virtual Reality?

7 ways Content Marketing Beats Traditional Marketing!
A simple and informative infographic about Content Marketing vs Traditional Marketing.
A Letter to Marketers: Reduce your budget for online ads in 2017
6 Reasons to stop making online ads – save your budget by following our tips!

Come Out Ahead before Google Launches Mobile First Index
Most online searches now begin from a smartphone. Make sure your website is optimised for mobile use and protect your Google ranking.

5 Marketing Trends for the MENA Region in 2017
Trends are the new key events that a business or brand must harness in order to thrive in the new digital world. The secret in in knowing how to spearhead them by knowing where to find them, how to adopt them and how to maximize their potential.

Trump is the Uber of US Presidents
Define your public, listen to and identify their needs then focus on communicating your engagement with them and they will take you right to the top!

Why do brands need to start a conversation with their customers?
Customers want to be heard by, listened to and acknowledged by their favorite brands. By engaging in a conversation with your followers, you bring them into the fold and you put them exactly where they want to be.

5 New Year Resolutions You Would Not Want to Break in 2017
If your marketing strategy has stalled, take a look at these 5 crucial tactics to put your brand back in the game!

6 Stats that Prove Content Marketing is the New Black
Content Marketing is your new best friend. The statistics speak for themselves. If in any doubt, take a look at the figures.

Trend Spotting: What’s Hot in Content Marketing in 2017
Don’t miss out on the bandwagon. Take a look at what’s new out there and see if the new vogues have a future role for your brand.

The Evolution Of Content
Take a look at how much Marketing Content has changed in almost 300 years!

Why do you need Content Marketing?
Here are 5 very good reasons why your business needs Content Marketing!

Saudi Telecom 5 Motion Graphic Video Series | The Making
Motion graphics, when dictated by strict time limits, can be quite challenging. Fortunately, we love a challenge!

What is Content and Content Marketing?
Information that benefits your customers? How does that work?

Dubai Municipality Ramadan Campaign
How we used good content, motion graphics and relevant information to promote health and fitness during the 2015 Ramadan.

Why is Content the Buzzword of the Moment?
Content Marketing has been around a long time. How it is presented and why is it new.

Almarai Wellness Campaign
A wealth of useful and heartening information to sustain you and support you throughout Ramadan.

Earth Hour, Every Hour
Join us in observing Earth Hour, not just on the day but throughout the year. Find tips on how to do it on our social media channels.

The Tale Behind Our Name
Pronounced as “saba” in Arabic, it refers to the gentle dawn wind that arises from the East, just like the storytellers it represents.

1,001 Nights
The truth of art of storytelling is was encapsulated long ago in the most popular of the ancient tales of the East

The Thread of the Levant
Story telling has been a common feature of Levantine society since time immemorial, and what’s more, these Hakawatis around still very much around.

Our Manifesto
We genuinely believe in what we do and because of our convictions, we also do it very well!.